Maria Vedder

Maria Vedder has been a media artist since the late seventies.
From 1991 – 2014 she was a Full Professor at the Berlin University of the Arts, Germany.
Here she was co-founder of the Institute for Time-Based Media and the Art and Media Course.

She has spent long periods doing artistic research in Asia, where she has been also a guest lecturer on numerous occasions.

She has written books about video, together with Bettina Gruber: „Kunst und Video“ and „DuMonts Handbuch der Videopraxis“ (DuMont-publishing house, Cologne, Germany).

Besides other awards she won the main prize in the 1988 „Marler Video Art Award“ for the work „The Heartbeat of Anubis“, together with Bettina Gruber.

She has exhibited all over the word.

Her works are in the collections of the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Germany; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany; Tate Gallery, Liverpool, UK; Gallery Shimada, Yamaguchi-Shi, Japan; Gallery Scan, Tokyo, Japan; ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany; and others

2009 she was an Artist in Residence in India, 1.Shantiroad Studio, Bangalore.
In 2012 she won the grant EMARE MEXICO of Werkleitz Halle and the European Commission.
2014 Special price of the jury of the Kunstpreis Haus am Kleistpark Berlin.
2019 Project grant of the foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Germany.
2020 Interactive single catalog “All the Time in the World”, video works Maria Vedder, DISTANZ-Publishing House Berlin, funding by the Berlin Cultural Senate
2020 Artist Residence, Plan B. Artist Studios, Greece
2022 Project grant by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, NEUSTART KULTUR, BBK

Exhibitions and Screenings from 2009 on (Selection)
“The rules of the sport”, Group exhibition, Centre Pompidou Paris
Curated by Géraldine Gomez
The rules of the sport

“RE_EXHIBIT SHE-WOLVES_EROTISM>LOVE>BODY”, Online Gallery, REWIND Collection, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
with Antonie Frank Grahamsdaughter, Bettina Gruber, Živa Kraus, Lydia Schouten and Maria Vedder
Curated by Laura Leuzzi

“SHE-WOLVES_EROTISM>LOVE>BODY”, 24.9., “Over the Real festival”, Auditorium San Micheletto, Lucca, Italy

“I Don’t Pay Your Price. queer feminist interventions with the video camera”, group exhibition, Lore Deutz Museum Cologne, Germany
Curated by Kat Lawinia Gorska

“KunstKiosk”, October 2024 – March 2025, group exhibition Goethe-Institut Kolkata, India
with Bettina Gruber/Maria Vedder, Marcel Odenbach, Nam June Paik, Ulrike Rosenbach, Katharina Sieverding, Ursula Wevers, Wolf Vostell
Curated by Barbara Hess

“Garish and Shrill – The Interweaving of Video Art and Feminist Criticism in the 1980s”, Screening, Kunsthalle Duesseldorf, Germany
Curated by Kat Lawinia Gorska

Les Moissons”, Le festival La chambre verte, Auteuil, France
Curated by Géraldine Gomez

“Things and Nonthings”
Solo exhibition, City Gallery Nordhorn, catalog

„Examples to Follow! Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability ETF!“
Uferhallen Berlin
expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability

„Thingstätten“, Art Claims Impulse, Berlin, Exhibition, booklet
Galerie ACI

Artist Talk in the studio of Maria Vedder, with Julia Rosenbaum/StudioVisits
Julia Rosenbaum Studiovisits

Screening, Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin-Friedrichshain
Curated by Kat Lawinia Gorska

“Paradoxical Objects” Video Sculpture Art from 1968 to Today
Online Exhibition:

“ready ready made”, Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, Germany

“Sehnsucht (Longing)”, Scotty, Berlin, Germany
Scotty Berlin

Off Space City of Gold, Essen, Germany

„Hitting Puberty“, Stiftung IMAI Inter Media Art Institute Düsseldorf, Germany

“Writing the History of the Future”, collection of the ZKM/Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
ZKM Writing the History of the Future

“Home”, switch, projections in public space, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Kunstverein Munich, Germany
Kunstverein Munich

“20/20 100 Jahre Berlin”, Kunsthaus Schoeler Berlin, Germany, catalog

“Das Klaus Peter Schnüttger-Webs Museum”, Kunstmuseum Kolumba, Cologne, Germany, catalog

“Writing the History of the Future”, collection of the ZKM/Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
ZKM Writing the History of the Future

„Artists for Future“, GG3 GROUP GLOBAL 3000, Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin Kreuzberg, Germany
Artists for Future

“Das Klaus Peter Schnüttger-Webs Museum”
Kunstmuseum Kolumba, Cologne, Germany

„Examples to Follow! Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability ETF!“, Erfurt, Germany, Galerie Waidspeicher
„Examples to Follow“

Video art exhibition series „Auf Zeit“, curated by Maria Vedder, Kanzlei White & Case Berlin, Germany
with the artists Niklas Goldbach and Alexandra Ranner, mini catalog

“Writing the History of the Future”, collection of the ZKM/Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
ZKM Writing the History of the Future

Sculpture Center New York, USA, Sculpture Center „Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1975-1995“
with the installation “PAL oder Never The Same Color”

MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, USA, MIT “Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1975–1995“
with the installation “PAL oder Never The Same Color”

“Schnell und schmutzig” (quick and dirty), Gaswerksiedlung Rummelsburg, Berlin, Germany

“HEIM_Spiel”,  rk_Galerie fuer zeitgenoessische Kunst Berlin, Germany

Video art exhibition series „Auf Zeit“, curated by Maria Vedder, Kanzlei White & Case Berlin, Germany
with the artists Heike Baranowsky and Christoph Brech
mini catalog

Screening European Women’s Video Art EWVA, Summerhall, Edinburgh, Scotland

Video art exhibition series „Auf Zeit“, curated by Maria Vedder
Kanzlei White & Case Berlin, Germany
with the artists Yvon Chabrowski and Franz Reimer
mini catalog

„Examples to Follow! Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability ETF!“, Parque Cultural de Valparaiso, Chile. ETF! was awarded “Best international exhibition in Chile in 2017” by the Chilean Circle of Art Critics. „Examples to Follow“

“Switch”, Exhibition in public space, projection of eight cinematic works across the town of Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. View catalog und films on

„MTV! – Media Art Televise!“, curated by Franz Reimer, FAQ Bremen, Germany

„Examples to Follow! Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability ETF!“, Marstall Schwerin, church castle Bröllin, Germany

„Moments of Awareness“, rk_Galerie fuer zeitgenoessische Kunst Berlin, Germany

Art award „Haus am Kleistpark 2014“, Berlin, Germany: special price of the jury for the video installation „Ghost Dance”

„What’s The Time?“ Maria Vedder and alumni of Class Media Art, Berlin University of the Arts, at Center for Art and Urbanistics ZK/U, Berlin, Germany

„Examples to Follow! Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability ETF!“, Capilla del Arte UDLAP, Puebla, Mexico: 1-channel-installation “Susurrus_Mexico”

Goethe-Institut Mexico City: 3-channel-installation “Susurrus_Mexico”
“The Mediterranean Biennale in Sakhnin”, Israel
“Schichtwechsel”, Goetz Collection / Neuer Berliner Kunstverein in Nordstern Videokunstzentrum Gelsenkirchen, Germany
“No Senses”, Tagesspiegel 30.6.2012, look: newspaper page designed by maria vedder
ARTE Public TV Station: Video Night 18. – 21.10.2012 with the film “At Close Quarters (beieinander)”

ARTE Public TV Station: home page Creative: August Video of the month / Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, with the film “The Hartbeat of the Anubis (Der Herzschlag des Anubis)”

„Ambiguous Being“, Houg-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

“Metal Talk”, Concert Zeitkratzer / Lou Reed, Berliner Festspiele, Germany
Video Stage Design

Maria Vedder singing in the Temporären Kunsthalle Berlin, Germany in the exhibition “Zeigen” by Karin Sander

Have a look to the photo blog of her study trip in China and India/ Vedder auf der Vlucht (Vedder on the run):

Awards, Scholarships, Artist in Residences (selection)
Main prize „Marler Video Art Award 1988“, Germany, for the work „The Heartbeat of Anubis“
Main prize Festival International de Video, 1991 Vigo, Spain
Artist in Residence 1.Shantiroad Studio, 2009, Bangalore, India
Artist in residence/project grant in Mexico: EMARE Centro Multimedia/Centro Nacional de las Artes Mexico City, Werkleitz Halle Germany, Goethe-Institut Mexico, European Commission, 2012

Special price of the jury of the Kunstpreis/art-award “Haus am Kleistpark 2014”, Berlin, Germany
Nomination Villa Aurora, Los Angeles, 2014
Catalog grant Kultursenat Berlin, 2019
Artist Residence, Plan B. Artist Studios, Griechenland, 2020

Public Collections (selection)
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
Museum Folkwang Essen, Germany
Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany
Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Darlings), Berlin, Germany
ZKM/Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten, Marl, Germany
Goetheinstitut Germany
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Stuttgart, Germany
Tate Gallery Liverpool, England
Image Library of the Musashino Art University, Tokio, Japan
Fukui Culture Center, Tokio, Japan
Gallery Shimada, Yamaguchi-Shi, Japan
Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Et Huset, Copenhagen, Denmark
Kunstbibliothek Lyngby, Denmark
ArtCom San Francisco, USA