Schnittpunkte / Points of Intersection
Gallery without a Gallerist, offspace from Uli Tillmann, Cologne, Germany
Room installation with video, photography, neon, feathers
Production on Japan-Standard I/EIAJ
9:34 min
The film shows birds-swarms flying in the sky. Seemingly inpredictable the birds change direction, accompanied by shrill birdcries.
Though the sound has a slightly aggressive atmosphere the pictures draw the viewer into a contemplative mood.
This flowing and floating of birdshapes is interrupted by still frames, in which the bird-formations are connected with straight lines. These pictures call to mind the signs of the Zodiac or star-formation. But they can also be interpreted as the constant wish of human kind to bring order onto everything, to tame nature in it’s freewheeling flow, to conquer the world – for good or bad.