Shut Up
Multichannel installation
Video wall with 25 monitors and 4 monitor columns with 3, 4, 2 und 5 vertical monitors each
4:50 min
Production formats: Betacam, 1 inch, U-matic-High-Band
Director assistant and line producer: Ulrike Hamacher
Actors: Anke Bergstein, Heike Resler, Jörg von Stein and Flicki
Music: Uwe Wiesemann
Camera: Keith Surridge, Rolf Schmidt
Editing: Klaus Dumuscheit
Video effects: Helmut Reinhold
Paintbox: Jana Jouzek
Computer Animation: Til Hacker
Costume design: Claudia Bußmann
Make-up: Evelyn Faust
Make-up Special Effects: Detlev Fischer
Thanks to: Nadim Karkutli, Michaela Krützen, William Wegman, Gerhard Zilligen, Hut Lange
Production: ECG TV-Studio Frankfurt
First prize of the spanish Video art festivals Festival International de Vigo – Cidade de Vigo
Hermes the messenger of the gods is not longer interest to transport information. Shreds of communication swirl unoriented through the space.