Aus dem Nichts/Out of Nothing
Film version
Seamless Loop 3:10 min.
Recording format: Betacam
Without sound
Camera: Miriam Fassbinder, Till Beckmann
Production: Clear Fog: Rolf Engel, mediapool: Siegfried Paul
Production Manager: Neli Höfke
Picture of a 30 m high crane platform
Video work on existential cycles without escape.
Traffic researchers have used the methods of chaos theory to develop a test arrangement to simulate a traffic jam without causes. Cars drive in a circle of about 50 meters in diameter and try to keep both the same speed and the same distance from each other. The scientists assume that after about 10 minutes one of the drivers makes an emergency stop due to carelessness and thus brings the traffic behind him to a standstill.
Maria Vedder has re-staged this scientific experiment, overstating it to the absurd and ironically portraying our dream of mobility. The stoppage is not the traffic jam, but the never-ending journey, a “furious stoppage” (Paul Virilio).