The Target
Video installation for 6 monitors
here: simulation for 3 monitors
Loop: 8:39 min.
Production format: Betacam
Camera: N.N.
Music: Uwe Wiesemann, Gerhard Zillingen
Editing: Ulla Dorin
Production Manager: Albert Deistler
Consulting: Rolf Engel
Pictures: Rubicon Film, Werner Stüttem, Manfred Waffender
Commissioned production: City of Cologne, MediaPark Köln Entwicklungs-GmbH for LEONARDO workshops for art and culture
Thanks to: ACT Video, Dietlinde Stroh, Hirz Sony Kommunikationssysteme, Schiebener and Jürgens Film and Video
6 monitors stand side by side with some distance. The pictures move from right to left through all monitors.
As animals and people, trains and cars transported things and ideas.
The installation deals with the transition from the disused freight yard to the MediaPark in Cologne.
“The Target – the goal. The freight yard – distributor of material goods. Nodes in the global network of industrial society. Steel tracks, steel cars, steel bars, steam, rotating wheels, speed.
Too slow for the intangible goods. The train station – the desert in the city, cleared for the world of the speed of light, the news, ideas, data, images, sounds, virtual arts. The goal, the expectation, the steeling spade, the desert will live.
Again the wheels rotate, the thresholds blur. The wheel of steel is just more symbol. ”
Albert Deistler