1-channel video installation and music film
8:12 min
Soundtrack: Brian Eno und J. Peter Schwalm (Opal Music London (PRS) und Editions Outshine/BMG-UFA © Opal Ltd. 1999)
Sound editor: Christian Obermaier
„The composition by Brian Eno, especially done for this video, surrounds what is visually depicted with a subtle network of electronic sounds: a fine twittering like the static in a radio, but which can also swell to the ominous drilling and monotonous rhythm of a machine. Although the sounds are reservedly quiet, in time they develop a penetrating effect and mill their way into one’s hearing. Or is this buzzing and chirping that briefly tips into melody perhaps a signal received from alien beings from outer space?“
Anja Osswald
“Threshold is the name of the narrow ridge between two rooms; one steps over the threshold in order to enter a different place. It is a cipher of transition. In the video, one sees the moving feet of people hurrying forwards, without being able to see their bodies and without discovering their destination. Travellers with luggage move as if in a dream. The subject of the work is movement as such, and the transitory per se becomes an image that abandons the things of this world behind it, possibly even describing the migration of souls. This is less a matter of real space, more of mental pictorial-spaces that promote emotional perception.”
Ursula Prinz, exhibition “Neue Heimat/Berlin Contemporary”, Berlinische Galerie/Museum of Modern Art